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Painting a room is not a spontaneous task. It requires proper planning. You need to get the room ready for the painting project. Also, you need to prep the wall so that the color adheres quickly and stays beautiful for a long time. Learn what preparations are necessary before painting a wall.

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    Before Painting Preparation

    Before Painting Preparation

    Although when you hire Perfect Painter for professional painting in Toronto, you do receive very inclusive services to help you complete your project, it is very helpful for you to prepare the space before painters arrive. Experienced and respectful painters will do everything necessary to respect your property and complete quality work, but there are steps that you can take to reduce the risk of accidents and help the job move along more smoothly and successfully.

    Move or Remove Furniture

    Obviously, your painters are going to need to be able to access the areas to be painted. Before painting day, it is very helpful to move furniture to rooms that are not going to be painted or move pieces into the center of the room. This not only reduces the risk that paint might get onto the furniture, but also keeps painters safe as they work, clearing a path and reducing obstacles that can get in the way.

    Storing Away Personal Items

    Homes are obviously filled with many items that have great monetary and sentimental value. When painting in Toronto, we never want to see anything happen to personal valuables, and the best way to prevent this from happening is to not have these items present while our teams are working. If you do not have a painting-free room to place important valuables, you can keep them protected from paint by storing them in boxes. Our painters do use drop cloths and other coverings, but it never hurts to add another layer of protection for items that are especially important.

    Take Down Wall Hangings and Curtains

    You can significantly reduce the total painting time by providing professional painters with a clear and blank canvas. This means removing drapes, curtain rods, photos, nails, and other items hanging on the walls. If you are permanently removing any of these hangings, you might also consider purchasing a plaster compound to fill holes in the walls, which can then be painted over by our team. By taking these steps before painters arrive, you have greater control over how and where items are stored and how holes and other markings on the walls are addressed.

    Cleaning Walls

    The walls should be a conversation piece. They should be able to hold the attention of your guests. But, Over time, walls get covered in dust, dirt, grime, and oils. If these contaminants are covering the walls when painters arrive, this can affect the finished appearance of the paint. For a smooth, uniform finish in regards to texture and colour, clean the walls with water and a mild detergent a day or two before painters arrive, giving the walls plenty of time to dry completely.

    Covering Furniture and Floors

    As mentioned, our team does use drop cloths to cover floors and furniture in rooms that are being painted. However, you are welcome to prepare the area with coverings, if you would feel more comfortable with extra protection. Old newspapers, plastic sheeting, and cloth sheets are all common materials used for this purpose.

    For more information regarding how to prepare for professional painting in Toronto, or to request a quote, contact Perfect Painters.